Terrarium Craft

Terrarium Craft: Create 50 Magical, Miniature Worlds

I am getting sooooo ready for spring and time in my garden that I found myself purchasing an e-book that would hopefully provide me with some projects to get my hands in the dirt. Terrarium Craft: Create 50 magical, miniature worlds, by Amy Bryant Aiello and Kate Bryant, is a delightful little book that gave me some fresh ideas to use for my large glass jars, as well as some ideas for other types of containers I had never considered to be plant-worthy.

The first chapter provides information about what materials to use and where to get them. Subsequent chapters offer recipes for themed terrariums, such as forest, beach, desert and fantasy. The best thing about most of the terrariums is that they not only focus on plants, but the other elements as well, most of which are found in nature. The directions are simple and easy to follow. I am glad I made this choice.

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  1. #1 by lisahurstphotography on June 28, 2014 - 3:15 am

    Reblogged this on Greenthumb@threepines and commented:

    Crossover for gardeners from my book review blog.

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